Quantum Guru presents the first ever knowledge assistant for quantum computing. The Quantum Chatbot is an AI powered platform for point answers to questions in Quantum Computing. With the motive to provide learning via interaction, use Quantum Chatbot knowledge base to enhance your theoretical plus practical understanding for quantum computing.

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Quantum computing is a type of computation that harnesses the collective properties of quantum states, such as superposition, interference, and entanglement, to perform calculations. The devices that perform quantum computations are known as quantum computers.

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Encryption is a way of scrambling data so that only authorized parties can understand the information. In technical terms, it is the process of converting human-readable plaintext to incomprehensible text, also known as ciphertext. In simpler terms, encryption takes readable data and alters it so that it appears random. Encryption requires the use of a cryptographic key: a set of mathematical values that both the sender and the recipient of an encrypted message agree on.

In quantum information theory, a quantum circuit is a model for quantum computation, similar to classic circuits, in which a computation is a sequence of quantum gates, measurements, initializations of qubits to known values, and possibly other actions.

The Journey of quantum computing began in 1980’s with Paul Benioff

To get a fully functioning computer — a goal still a decade or more away, most scientists agree — researchers must coax a large number of qubits into working together efficiently. That’s difficult because qubits are finicky and have the propensity to stop functioning at the slightest disturbance, such as a minor change in temperature.

A communication channel used for quantum communication which is capable of transmitting quantum information and maintaining its quantum state.

A qubit is a two-state (or two-level) quantum-mechanical system, one of the simplest quantum systems displaying the peculiarity of quantum mechanics. It was developed in 1997

In cryptography, a public key is a large numerical value that is used to encrypt data. The key can be generated by a software program, but more often, it is provided by a trusted, designated authority and made available to everyone through a publicly accessible repository or directory.
A public key is also used to encrypt a message or check the legitimacy of a digital signature. It is accompanied by a corresponding private key, which is known only to its owner.

In quantum computing, the Brasard-Hoyer-Tappar algorithm or BHT algorithm is a quantum algorithm that solves the collision problem.

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